Undoubtedly, having acne scars is tough for anyone. It can affect your self esteem, confidence and if it gets way out of hand, it may have an adverse long term emotional impact on you.
Here is some of the best acne scarring solutions for you to consider:
Laser Treatment
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There are generally 2 kinds of laser treatments. They are ablative lasers and non-ablative lasers. Non-ablative lasers trigger changes within the dermis without injuring the epidermis.
Ablative lasers are more 'aggressive'. They attack the outer layer of the skin burning away the scar tissue to force the dermal collagen to tighten. It's imperative to take great care of the skin when using this method to prevent infection.
You may suffer from redden skin for months up to a even a year.
This method involves 'skinning' the scar with a scalpel (or needle). Subcision helps break fibrous bands of scar tissue that are creating tension between the epidermises and also helps induce new collagen formation.
Chemical peels
This involves pouring acid on your face. No seriously it does! The deeper the acid penetrates the skin, the more effective the treatment.
In this technique, the skin is frozen and an extremely sharp and rotating blade cuts away at the damaged tissue. This technique is not indifferent from laser treatment.
Punch excision
This is suited more of ice pick acne scars. Using excision on these scars allows the dermis to form back together and rid of the jagged irregularities on the skin.
Filler substances
This method is normally used to tackle shallow acne scars. Cosmoderm, Cymetra, Fasciian are examples of such filler substances.